Thursday, February 2, 2012

Choosing To Play The Game

Former Chicago Bears CB Dave Duerson.
Former Philadelphia Eagles safety Andre Waters.
Over the last several years, the talk of concussions among retired NFL players and current NFL players has probably doubled...or tripled. When Andre Waters and Dave Duerson committed suicide at young ages after their playing careers were over, the NFL was doomed. Waters, a former Philadelphia Eagles safety, was only 44 when he killed himself in 2006, and a subsequent brain exam indicated his brain looked the part of an 85-year old man.

Duerson, a former Chicago Bears' defensive back and member of the 1986 Super Bowl winning team, took his life at 50 just a year ago. Duerson purposely did not shoot himself in the head so it can be examined, and the results were exactly what everyone was expecting. Many other players in the NFL have dealt with many concussions and in retirement, still happen to be dealing with them.

This latest lawsuit from a number of retired players against the NFL was inevitable. However, how is it possible that you knew injuries, including ones to the head, were a part of the game and you still happen to place blame on the NFL? Recently, guys like Maurice Jones-Drew and Brian Urlacher have openly stated that they would hide concussions. Plenty of players did the same 20 to 30 years ago.

The NFL probably didn't educate much on the severity of concussions and its long-lasting impact. However, you do know when you strap on the helmet and lace up the cleats, you may be paralyzed, you may severely break your leg or get knocked senseless. There are dangers with a lot of occupation that you know going into it, but you take that risk because you love that occupation.

These players have no one to blame but themselves. Why continue to play a game when your brain is bruised and battered? Why stay in a game after a concussion when you probably can't even see the field correctly? This is almost like an overweight person suing McDonald's because they ate it everyday and resulted in health problems. Grown men should not be blaming their issues on others. It sucks to live the life you live now, but you knew what you were getting into. 

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