Thursday, June 10, 2010

Muhammad Retires

Carolina Panthers WR Muhsin Muhammad has finally decided to hang up the cleats, calling it quits after 14 years in the NFL. Muhammad spent most of his career with the Panthers, setting numerous receiving records with the team. He was drafted in the second round by the Panthers out of Michigan State in 1996. The Panthers were only in their second season of existence, and Muhammad saw tough times early in his career. Rae Carruth, teammate of Muhammad's with the Panthers, was convicted of conspiring to kill his pregnant girlfriend, and sentenced to 18 years in prison. A year before that, teammate Fred Lane was murdered by his girlfriend in what was believed to be a way to obtain Lane's insurance policy.

The Panthers were able to get past those tough times, and in 2004, they found glory when they beat the Philadelphia Eagles in the NFC Championship Game to get their first berth to the Super Bowl. In that Super Bowl, Muhammad set a Super Bowl record with an 85 yard touchdown reception. However, the Panthers still lost 32-29. Muhammad made another Super Bowl appearance as a member of the Chicago Bears, in 2007 against the Indianapolis Colts. He was again on the wrong end of the scoreboard, losing 29-17. However, he was a key contributor in both teams appearances in the Super Bowl.

Muhammad's contributions have gone mostly unnoticed, mainly because he wasn't a flashy guy. Muhammad has 860 catches in his career, and 62 career touchdowns, which are excellent receiving numbers. Muhammad probably won't get into the Hall of Fame because he never really dominated a season and wasn't talked about in the media that often. He didn't possess speed, but he certainly possessed toughness and was a hard worker for that franchise. Muhammad was the one bright spot for a franchise that doesn't have many up to this point. Muhammad's presence among the younger players will be missed.

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