Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dolphins GM Asks Personal Question

Miami Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland has received criticism, after reports surfaced that he asked WR Dez Bryant if his mother was a prostitute during interviews with teams and players. Ireland has publicly apologized for using "poor judgment." However, the media has not been too accepting of the fact that he asked that. Vinny Cerrato, former executive vice president of football operations of the Washington Redskins, publicly blasted Ireland for it as well.

While Ireland has received criticism for this, this is blown out of proportion. While it isn't Ireland's business if Bryant's mother was a prostitute, it was simply a question. Ireland was not implying that Bryant's mother was a prostitute. He simply asked him if she was. That's not that bad of a question. A lot of executives ask personal questions to potential employees all the time. It should not have affected Bryant in any way. It doesn't seem to be affecting Bryant at all because he hasn't even responded to the reports. It's a non-issue for him. He has to focus on football and that's it.

The fact that Cerrato is blasting him out of all people is a bit hysterical. While Ireland has had success putting together a good Dolphins team that went to the playoffs in the 2008 season, Cerrato and the rest of the Redskins brass has constantly failed at their jobs. Cerrato should look at the reason he isn't in football anymore. Cerrato needs to just enjoy his time away from the game, and not think about coming back.

As for Ireland and Bryant, the best thing to do is quickly forget about this and work at improving their respective teams. Bryant was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys with the 24th pick, and he probably knows better than anyone that he and WR Miles Austin can form a great receiver tandem for QB Tony Romo.

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